Hey, I'm

Hey, I'm

What I’m Currently Working On
Investments & Boards I am in
Business Is a Game.
Are You Playing to Win
or Playing Not to Lose?
My Journey So Far
2003 - Mobile DJ & Entertainment
A DJ and entertainment business that I started at age 16 akademischer ghostwriter
I would convince my brothers, friends and family to drive the equipment, myself and my co-founder to parties.
We mostly did 18th and 21st birthday parties and family events
This was my first ‘real’ glimpse into business
Key takeaway: Spending too much money on equipment and not charging enough in return creates frustration and ultimately closes businesses.
2007 - University (Mastering in Entrepreneurship)
3 years of education to learn how to be a business owner.
Yep, that’s right – I have a university certificate that says I’m an Entrepreneur
Over the years, I have partnered in business with past tutors, seen peers build billion dollar businesses and we have hausarbeit kaufen helped each other whenever necessary.
Key takeaway: The strength and quality of your network defines the ability for you to succeed in business.
2009 - Online Edge
Digital marketing services for Australian business owners – specialising in SEO
Had a team of 25 delivering various services to clients and I was a regular guest and speaker through Asia and Australia on digital marketing.
We also ended up building our own Ecommerce stores and software in the endless pursuit of efficiency and systemisation
2015 - Focus HQ (current: board position)
Built a project management software (SaaS) that is used by Enterprise organisations.
I got to fly around Australia and the world working with executives of billion dollar companies and help them execute portfolios of projects that impact share prices and profitability.
Focus HQ now operates with offices in Australia, Singapore, UK and the United States and has an incredible leadership team at its helm.
2020 - Invedent (current: board position)
Built a stock ordering and management software (SaaS) that is used by Australian dental practices.
Applying all my lessons of building Focus HQ, Invedent was my chance to prove the success was not luck.
Invedent is now respected as one of the top dental inventory platforms in Australia and is partnered with various Australian Dental ghostwriter bachelorarbeit Association branches.
2021 - Valher Media (current)
Strategic paid advertising tailored to the unique needs of each business.
After moving to the board of Focus HQ, I was looking for the next opportunity to sink my teeth into.
That’s when Charley and I joined forces on Valher Media.
We help businesses break through growth ceilings, decrease lead costs, and get higher quality leads in order to scale.
Key takeaway: Every problem is just a gap that needs to be filled. Fill that gap and watch magic happen.
2021 - Business & Investing (current)
Podcast that provides the complete set of skills you need to build wealth inside and outside of your business.
Charley and I were always talking about ways to use business profits to create personal financial independence.
The more we spoke about it, the more others wanted in on the conversations – so, we decided to hit record and publish them.
2022 - Property & Investing (current)
Providing strategies, tactics and tools for Australians to become successful property investors.
Charley and I share the property journey we are on and record the conversations that we are having with specialists in the industry.
Key takeaway: Investing is no different to business, you need to focus on one business model and master it ghostwriting agentur.
Successful Exits